Friday, April 27, 2012

Breaking Down the Proposed NCCI Experience Plan Rating Changes

The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) is proposing changes in the Experience Rating Plan formula along with Missouri’s approved loss cost filing effective January 1, 2013. Why the changes and what do they mean for policyholders?
Increase primary/excess split point  
Proposed changes include an increase to the primary/excess split point. The primary/excess split point is the dollar value that splits a loss into its primary cost and excess portions. Currently, the first $5,000 of a loss is considered the primary cost and the portion above $5,000 is considered excess. The proposed increase would bring the primary/excess split point to an inflation-adjusted $15,000 over a three-year transition period.
The $5,000 split point has been in place for approximately 20 years and the average dollar amount per claim has tripled since then. Currently, the primary loss amount that goes into the experience rating formula is much smaller than it was 20 years ago and does meet the current needs. The proposed changes increase the split point to $10,000 in the first year and to $13,500 in the second year. In year three, the changes will further increase the split point to $15,000 plus two years of inflation adjustment (rounded to the nearest $500).
Revise the maximum debit modification formulaThe proposed changes also include increasing the maximum debit modification to 10%, which is more reasonable than the current 0%. The revision also more fully accounts for differences across states in claim severities.
Predicted effectsNCCI does not feel the proposed changes will have any impact on the overall state premium. On an individual risk basis, most employers currently receiving credit experience modifications will receive larger credits. Most employers currently receiving debit experience modifications will receive larger debits. During the initial split point increase to $10,000, NCCI estimates that 93% of risks will receive less than a 10 point change in their experience rating modification. Additional information on this regulatory activity is available on NCCI’s website.

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